
5 Ways To Improve Productivity At Your Workplace

Management has from time immemorial have oftentimes struggled to develop effective ways to improve productivity in their workplaces. The problem was then exacerbated by the pandemic and the advent of remote working. Remote working contributed to decreased productivity in some organisations as people took time to do other things during working hours. not to discredit the fact that in some organisations people still take time off their work to do other things unrelated to their work. Productivity is still a problem in many workplaces and managers and supervisors are still cracking their heads over this problem even when the world is now moving into the fourth industrial revolution. Productivity is defined as the effectiveness of productive effort. The amount of labour, capital and time being put into production measured against the output or the outcome.

In many cases, especially in the service industry, it is hard to measure productivity because the organisation’s output is measured as a whole and there is no room or method that can be used to measure productive individual effort. However, there are other things that just affect an individual’s productivity these include but are not limited to:

  • Distractions,
  • Low employee morale
  • Poor management
  • Poor time management
  • Poor communication

Hard as it might be to motivate people to stay efficient, effective and productive at all times, something has to be done in order to help organisations maintain standards at all costs. There are a few things management can implement to improve productivity, these include:

  • According to Indeed a career development platform, it’s always advisable to set smaller objectives. this will not put too much pressure on the employees in a bid to fulfil them and retain or keep their jobs.
  • Implement effective time management strategies for example setting reminders, setting personal deadlines for some tasks and establishing a routine where applicable and using time management tools like the Pomodoro strategy among other tools.
  • Find a way whenever possible to limit or reduce interruptions and disruptions in a workplace. Some organisations discourage the use of phones during working hours to limit disruptions.
  • Whenever possible delegate tasks, separate your work life and your personal life and always make sure that you have a reasonable workload. Even superhumans need to rest too.
  • Do your heavy work, or the heavy lifting when you are at your best. This means if you know you are most energetic in the morning, then do the hard work then so that you will not be tired and timid when it’s time to do some heavy work later on.
Women In Health Care

5 Small Workplace Gestures That Make A Big Difference

Over the last several weeks, we have talked about many workplace gestures, the workplace in general and some do and donts that will make your work life enjoyable if not bearable. While it is advisable to be friends with your co-workers whenever possible, it is also recommended to try and seek and maintain peace with everyone at your workplace just to make sure everyone is either in your corner or inclined to take your side if the need arises. Hate it or love it, workplace divisions are counterproductive, add fuel to the office politics fire, affect other coworkers not involved in the divisions and make the workplace environment tense and hostile. This then adversely affects the work all workers are collectively doing which might also affect the organization as a whole. 

According to Psychology Today, human beings, we tend to remember small kind gestures:

We are designed to detect, remember, and respond to the small acts of gratefulness, appreciation, and acknowledgment in our daily encounters with others.

While it might be impossible to befriend everyone or even be cordial with every last person at your workplace, these small gestures are powerful enough to make sure there are more people at your workplace who will remain cordial with you and make your life at the workplace bearable and or happy.

  1. Earnestly express gratitude by saying thank you when someone helps you out at work
  2. Whenever possible surprise a coworker by inviting them to lunch or bringing them food or a small gift or present especially of something they actually like.
  3. Listen earnestly when they are telling you something about their work or even something personal because sometimes all they want or need is not advice but a good listener.
  4. Offer honest compliments to coworkers whenever you feel compelled to.
  5. Ask about their life outside the workplace and when asked in return share something interesting.
Women In Health Care

How A Healthy Workplace Environment Affects Your Bottomline

“if you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together” is certainly something you were not expecting to read about in a healthy workplace etiquette series right? Well, the past 2 series have explained how to avoid office politics, and how not to offend your co-workers. All those blogs were building the foundation for today’s blog. Why must there be a healthy environment for your to work in, and how it may affect your bottom line.

One African slang proverb can be loosely translated to mean “Ambulance Drivers must always make sure to go to a patient with one thought in mind, to do their jobs”. This means when you go to work, you must, try and mind your own business, do your job and go back home. While it encourages us to carry out our mandates without minding things that do not concern us, because we have obligations to meet, we have to make sure we are working in an environment that is good for us. The problem is we work with others, we do not operate in a bubble, we need others to go far and we cannot dictate how situations turn out. According to Career Contessa, your workplace environment is toxic when:

  • there is poor communication
  • there is too much office politics
  • there is no forward movement or when there is stifled growth
  • it constantly leaves you with a burnout
  • there is no work-life balance
  • there is high staff turnover

While we can all ignore the toxicity of our work environments because we have obligations we have to meet, truth is that toxicity will affect our bottom line. Our productivity and efficiency are stifled by toxic work environments. This will in turn lead to a lack of motivation and poor employee morale. This will therefore impact production which will cascade into the organisation taking a financial or reputation knock which affects many people on many levels.

In short, a healthy workplace environment ensures that everything at an organisation is flowing smoothly like clockwork, continuously serving the purpose it was established for. An unhealthy environment is bad for the organisation and many people downstream. Management and the entire workforce must try and make sure the workplace is conducive for everyone by constantly consulting and communicating with relevant people because an unhealthy environment is bad for everyone’s bottom line.

work-life balance

Workplace Etiquette Part 2: 3 Reasons Why You Should Probably Keep Your Work And Personal Life Separate

In this second article in the workplace etiquette series, we will list the reasons why you should try and keep your work life and your personal life separate. As previous;y mentioned in last week’s article it is commendable to at least interact and if comfortable socialise with coworkers. It is also commendable to find and whenever possible maintain a balance between your work and personal life. Some people work the entire week and weekend and dedicate little time to resting and unwinding. While it is imperative especially when projects, companies and businesses are still in their infancy, to dedicate more time to your work, sometimes it becomes addictive till one cannot separate their work from their personal life.

The major problem with burning the candle on both ends even when one is working on something that is in its formative stage is:

  • You will compromise the quality of your work sometimes because hate it or love it, the mind does not work too well if subjected to too much pressure.
  • You will have a hard time concentrating on some things and you will be easily distracted
  • You might not be that productive
  • Your energy will not be at the optimum level

So sometimes it’s better for you to leave your workplace and not carry your work home or work 7 days a week, or never take a day off the entire year because,

  1. Too much work will eventually take a toll on your body and you might achieve professional success but you might not be able to enjoy the fruits of your labour because you are not physically fit to run around like you used to.
  2. Working too hard and not taking enough rest does not necessarily translate to increased productivity and efficiency. If we all knew that in some cases, we need to work smarter and not harder, or in most cases working more and more doesn’t increase productivity because sometimes we increase our chances of a burnout which will set us back a few steps.
  3. You will probably miss out on special moments at home or you will be absent when special occurrences do occur. There are people that were not there when special eventualities happened. When their children were born, or graduated or took their first steps. When their family member passed away, when their family member got married etc. Yes, technology can help us now to catch up with these special occasions, however, lost time can never be regained and being there virtually will never substitute being there physically.

Well other writers on the subject of workplace etiquette, suggest how one can start the process of separating one’s work from their personal life. According to Forbes in order to separate your life from your work, you have to do the following :

  • Set boundaries – always set boundaries when trying to establish the work-life balance and never cross them or waiver from them.
  • Take a stand – stand your ground when the requests to work extra become too frequent and start encroaching onto your private life frequently
  • Find and offer solutions – if the problem persists, you should try and find a solution that will make life for your coworkers easy.

Workplace Etiquette

Workplace Etiquette Part 1: Tips On How Not To Step On Coworkers’ Toes Unknowingly

When I think of workplace etiquette I think of the time a coworker unknowingly insulted me by insinuating that I was unmarried because I was not “marriage material” a lady told me one day. In some African communities, some people view other people as marriage worthy and some as not. The lady in question is a free spirit and the coworker was trying to explain that in Africa, some communities are not as tolerant to free spirits and would not want free spirit daughters in law in their families. The coworker unknowingly offended this young lady she didn’t want to interact with him and she said she avoided him at all costs. Some of us, just like the marriage material free information sharing coworker have insulted or said something uncomfortable to our coworkers and they did not say anything but they were uncomfortable or offended nonetheless.

While it is commendable to at least interact and if comfortable socialise with coworkers, it is also recommended to try and not cross lines. While some lines are crossed unintentionally or unknowingly the following tips will help you stay in line when interacting with coworkers.

  1. Never ask them how much they are making – even if you are best friends, best buddies, even if your intentions are not motivated by competition and or jealousy, whatever angle you will ask this from, it will not come out right or professional.
  2. Never tell a coworker that you thought they were not going to get that promotion or project. Whether you are saying this because of management bias or office politics or you mean it as a compliment(if that’s possible) you are probably adding fuel to the fire and they might not tell you so because they don’t want to appear hurt or bothered but deep down you might have added 10 to a hundred.
  3. If possible, stay away from talking about a coworker’s physical fitness. Suggestions that a co-worker should join the gym, eat this or that to get on top of a situation, nomatter how noble or life-saving your suggestion might be, it might just offend them. Let them lead the conversation if your find yourself stuck in it.
  4. Never make suggestions on what coworkers should do with their children. Socilitated advice or not, kids are a sensitive topic to most parents, even if they are leading the conversation complaining about their children, truth is, they can only hear their own negative comments about their children, if it comes from someone else, it becomes an issue.
  5. Do not add fuel to the office politics fire. We cant talk about workplace etiquette without talking about office politics. As suggested in the previous article, its always a good idea to not fuel the office politics fire and this includes spreading rumours, making comments on ongoing feuds in the workplace etc, By doing this you are not stepping on any toes even the toes of those you don’t like because we all need each other one way or the other.
Women In Health Care

3 Things To Do To Avoid Office Politics At Your Workplace

Many of us have at some point in our careers found ourselves in some awkward situations at work I’m sure. Some of the situations are or were so deep-rooted some lost their jobs or were overlooked when it was promotion time because of office politics. An American Executive, Chris Chancey. speaking to the Business News Daily defines office politics as:

Workplace politics are the manifestation of power dynamics among co-workers. People leverage these power dynamics to further their own interests or that of a group they are affiliated with. Such behavior is inevitable, given that human beings are naturally political and will do whatever it takes to protect their own interests.

A good example of office politics is when a group of workers form a hostile alliance against their co-workers in a workplace. What are the dangers of office politics and why management should work hard to thwart office politics in an organisation? Because workplace politics

  • Can be divisive
  • Can be disruptive
  • Can create a hostile or tense environment
  • Might damage employee morale
  • Might lead to outcomes like lawsuits or financial ramifications

Is it possible to avoid office politics?, well in the Southern African nation of Zimbabwe, a common phrase is often heard especially among Twimbos (Zimbabweans on Twitter) and it says “Even if you don’t do politics, politics will still do you” This simply means even if you try by all means to avoid Zimbabwean politics, some decisions made in politics will still affect or frustrate you. Are Twimbos right? Yes. sometimes even if you voluntarily stay away from office politics, office politics will still yank you out from whatever place you are hiding and affect you and how you want your work-life to be.

So is it possible to avoid office politics, well I so wish to say no, because some manifestations of these power dynamics are beyond your control, but the truth is, it’s possible to avoid workplace politics. In case you are dying to create a safe impenetrable bubble around you at your workplace free of workplace politics, consider doing these three things.

  1. Do not take sides. In some situations, you might be prompted to side with your friends, the underdog or even the side you feel is right. Bear in mind even if you are backing the right side, it might end up being detrimental so the safest bet is to stay away completely.
  2. Openly and effectively communicate. Communication is one of the biggest causes of workplace politics. We have all heard, that it is better to over-communicate at times. By over-communicating, you are making your views, ideas, and side known. Everyone will know where you stand on the issues at hand. This will lead to others knowing and granting feedback better and keeping the lines of communication open.
  3. Do not fuel the fire. When I say do not take sides, it also means do not add fuel to the fire from outside. Taking any part in the power dynamics at play, spreading rumours, commenting on something and doing something that will contribute negatively to the hostile camps at the workplace will not be good for you at any level in office politics.

How To Prepare For The Secure English Language Test (SELT) If You Are Planning On Moving To The UK

Over the last few weeks, we have taken the time to explain many things to those planning to move to the UK. Guided by Google and personal questions we have discovered that many are asking how to prepare and nail their Secure English Language Test (SELT) to prove their proficiency in English, a requirement by the UK government for some people intending to move to the UK.

As alluded to above, you will need to pass the SELTs if you want to move to the UK, if your degree or diploma was not awarded in English or if you cannot prove that the qualification was awarded in English. You will also need to take the test if you are moving to the UK without a degree or diploma, or if your qualification is not related to what you shall be doing in the UK. For example, if you have a degree in Education, but you are moving to the UK as a care worker, you will need to show the UK government that you can read, write and communicate in English.

In case you are wondering how to prepare for your Secure English Language Test, be ye guided by these 5 tips.

  1. Bear in mind you need to build real-life skills because you will need to constantly communicate in English. Do not take the test just to pass but to be proficient in communicating in English as well.
  2. Practice, practice practice. Take advantage of the internet and download and or buy material from approved institutions, colleges and universities offering SELT and use the tests to practice for the exam.
  3. Make British TV your favourite. By doing this you will get to know more about the British accent, how they pronounce some words and how the British naturally and effectively communicate. This way you are learning more about how the people you will spend the most time with speak English.
  4. Test your listening skills, listen to British podcasts etc and check if you are able to clearly hear and follow conversations conducted in British English. This will prepare you to listen follow and easily take instructions in British English.
  5. Keep your skills sharp by reading newspapers, blogs, books, having applications that challenge you on your phone and learning a new word every day till the day you take the test.

7 Steps To Follow When Applying For A Health And Care Worker VISA To The UK

Over the last few weeks, we have shed light on the Health and Care Worker VISA to the UK and other sponsorship programs to get a permit to work in the UK. This has been influenced by the searches we see on Google of people looking for that particular information and or information related to that. While we have been able to answer a few questions about how one can go about the whole VISA application process, we have not shed light on these 7 steps one can follow when applying for a Health and Care Work VISA.

In case you don’t know where to begin, how to do it and or you are not liquid enough to pay an agent to guide you through the application process here is what you can do:

  1. Find out if your occupation falls under the list of occupations eligible for the VISA
  2. If you are eligible for the VISA start working on your knowledge of English as you will need to prove that you can write, understand, read and or communicate in English. If your qualifications like degree or Diploma was conducted in English you might need a letter from your school explaining that. If not, you will need to take an English proficiency test, the Secure English Language Test can be taken through any of the following providers Pearson PSI Services (UK) Ltd IELTS SELT Consortium LanguageCert
  3. If you have your knowledge of English conformation, apply for a job in the UK. This might include you going on social media groups that have people who hire people, it will also include you searching for recruitment agencies in the UK sending them your CV and any other document they might require.
  4. Once you have managed to secure a job, you should know if your employer is sponsoring your other expenses like accommodation if need be, flight tickets and or the Immigration Health Surcharge. You should obtain a sponsorship certificate from an approved employer to apply for a job in the UK.
  5. Find out the application fee payable for the visa and how you will pay the fees from your local banks, calculate the rates from your local currency to the pound carefully to make sure you will not have a shortfall at a critical time.
  6. Once you have the secure English Language Test (if you need one), your application fee, and a certificate of sponsorship then you can apply online for a Health and Care worker VISA on the UK government website. Please note, you will be asked to provide a valid passport, your job’s occupation code and other details regarding your employer. All those questions will be answered through your sponsorship certificate.
  7. Keep these documents handy because you may be asked to provide them, a police clearance certificate, bank statements proving that you have enough funds to take care of yourself in the UK. In some instances, your sponsor can support you on this, proof of the relationship you have with the people applying with you, and a tuberculosis test.
Different pay Bands For Different Nurses

FAQ: 2022 NHS Pay Bands For Nurses

Over the last few days, many have taken to Google to enquire about the National Health Services’ pay band. Most are enquiring about Band 5 and we have taken the time to answer some questions about the NHS’ pay band in 2022.

What Is The Average Wage For A UK Nurse In 2022? According to the 2018 Royal College of Nursing’s calculations, the average NHS nurse’s weekly salary is £642, and annually, £33,384, however, there are other factors that were not taken into consideration with the Royal College of Nursing that might affect the average salaries published, though presumed accurate, the figure might not be as affirmative in 2022 as it was in 2018.

How Do NHS Pay Bands Work? The UK Government uses a Job Evaluation Scheme called the Agenda For Change System. The system is the one that allocates posts to set pay bands. The system among other things is used to provide better links between pay and career progression using the Knowledge and Skills Framework (KSF)

What Is The NHS Pay Band for 2022 – There 9 Salary Bands for Nurses in the NHS, ranging from band one to band 9 as outlined on the table below

Band Years Of ExpereienceSalary In Pounds
10 to 1+£18,546
20 to 2£18,546
2 to 6+ £19,918
30 to 2£20,330
2 to 6+£21,777
40 to 3£22,549
3 to 6+£24,882
50 to 2£25,655
2 to 4£27,780
4 to 7+£31,534
60 to 2 £32,306
2 to 5£34,172
5 to 8+£39,027
7 0 to 2£40,057
2 to 5 £42,121
5 to 8+£45,839
8a0 to 5 £47,126
8b0 to 5£54,764
8c 0 to 5£65,664
8d0 to 5£78,192
90 to 5£93,735

Do Private Sector Nurses Earn More Than Public Sector (NHS) Nurses In The UK? The NHS has a structured pay system depending on the bands that were listed in the table above. However in the private sector, there are various factors, for example, someone can negotiate their salary in the private sector while in the NHS it is not common. That then affects salaries earned in both sectors, therefore, the simple answer is, there are some NHS nurses who earn more than private-sector nurses while there are some nurses in the private sector who earn more than NHS nurses.

If I Am A Qualified Nurse Coming From Another Country To Work In The UK, Which Band Will I Start At? Band 5

How Long Will It Take Me To Get To The Next Band? So The NHS KSF system will scale a nurse’s performance and award points for each band. There are different points for each band, and annual appraisals are then used to determine the points to be given to each nurse. Normally nurses move one point each year.

If you are wondering how you can move to the UK from other countries to work for the NHS, check out our blogs on how you can commence the process.