Different pay Bands For Different Nurses

FAQ: 2022 NHS Pay Bands For Nurses

Over the last few days, many have taken to Google to enquire about the National Health Services’ pay band. Most are enquiring about Band 5 and we have taken the time to answer some questions about the NHS’ pay band in 2022.

What Is The Average Wage For A UK Nurse In 2022? According to the 2018 Royal College of Nursing’s calculations, the average NHS nurse’s weekly salary is £642, and annually, £33,384, however, there are other factors that were not taken into consideration with the Royal College of Nursing that might affect the average salaries published, though presumed accurate, the figure might not be as affirmative in 2022 as it was in 2018.

How Do NHS Pay Bands Work? The UK Government uses a Job Evaluation Scheme called the Agenda For Change System. The system is the one that allocates posts to set pay bands. The system among other things is used to provide better links between pay and career progression using the Knowledge and Skills Framework (KSF)

What Is The NHS Pay Band for 2022 – There 9 Salary Bands for Nurses in the NHS, ranging from band one to band 9 as outlined on the table below

Band Years Of ExpereienceSalary In Pounds
10 to 1+£18,546
20 to 2£18,546
2 to 6+ £19,918
30 to 2£20,330
2 to 6+£21,777
40 to 3£22,549
3 to 6+£24,882
50 to 2£25,655
2 to 4£27,780
4 to 7+£31,534
60 to 2 £32,306
2 to 5£34,172
5 to 8+£39,027
7 0 to 2£40,057
2 to 5 £42,121
5 to 8+£45,839
8a0 to 5 £47,126
8b0 to 5£54,764
8c 0 to 5£65,664
8d0 to 5£78,192
90 to 5£93,735

Do Private Sector Nurses Earn More Than Public Sector (NHS) Nurses In The UK? The NHS has a structured pay system depending on the bands that were listed in the table above. However in the private sector, there are various factors, for example, someone can negotiate their salary in the private sector while in the NHS it is not common. That then affects salaries earned in both sectors, therefore, the simple answer is, there are some NHS nurses who earn more than private-sector nurses while there are some nurses in the private sector who earn more than NHS nurses.

If I Am A Qualified Nurse Coming From Another Country To Work In The UK, Which Band Will I Start At? Band 5

How Long Will It Take Me To Get To The Next Band? So The NHS KSF system will scale a nurse’s performance and award points for each band. There are different points for each band, and annual appraisals are then used to determine the points to be given to each nurse. Normally nurses move one point each year.

If you are wondering how you can move to the UK from other countries to work for the NHS, check out our blogs on how you can commence the process.

FAQ: How To Get A Health Care Assistant Job With Tier 2 Sponsorship In The UK

Over the last few days, Tier 2 Sponsorship searches have flooded Google. Google Trends even went on to say there is a breakout (a fancy word Google uses to mean many people are searching for the word/phrase/topic and their systems can’t keep up). People have been searching for how they can move to the UK and start a new life there. Some who are researching about Tier 2 Sponsored VISAs are asking the following questions, we have taken the liberty to explain some of the frequently asked questions about becoming a health care assistant in the UK

What is Tier 2 Sponsorship? Also called a skilled worker sponsorship, is a facility that allows companies in the UK to hire skilled people from outside the UK who meet their requirements. A sponsoring company in the Uk must have a Tier 2 Sponsorship license to hire people from outside the UK.

How does one get a Tier 2 Sponsored VISA? To get a Tier 2 Sponsored VISA one must be on the list of eligible occupations, in this case, if you are looking for a job as a Health Care Assistant, you should be qualified to do that as a nurse aid from a reputable institution like the Red Cross. If you meet that requirement then, you should find a job with a home office approved employer from the UK. When you get a job in the UK, your employer must issue you with a sponsorship certificate that details the role you have been offered in the UK. Then you must be able to prove that you can understand, read, write and speak English either through taking an approved English test. Once you have these documents then you can apply for a tier 2 sponsored visa.

How much does it cost to get a Tier 2 Sponsored VISA? Since care workers fall under a list of shortage occupations, the VISA application fee will be about $606 if you want to stay for up to 3 years and about $1212 if you want to stay for more than 3 years. You will also need to pay Immigration Health Surcharge of $815 for each year you will be in the UK and an additional $1660 has to be in your account for 28 days to show that you can support yourself in the UK before you start working.

What if I cannot afford to pay for myself? If you cannot pay for your application fees, it might be difficult to get a VISA because it might be difficult to convince an employer to give you money to apply especially if you are still outside the UK. However, most employers are willing to pay relocation expenses like the Immigration Health Surcharge, the first few months of rentals and airfares. You will need to liaise with your employer and see what they are comfortable paying for before you make a commitment.

How long will the Tier 2 VISA last? Up to 5 years.

You can read more about other types of VISAs here

Women In Health Care

Celebrating Great Women In Health Care

This week on Tuesday, the world shall commemorate International Women’s Day, celebrating women and the multi-faceted capes they wear each day. According to official statistics from last year, approximately 77.6% of NHS employees are women. While there is no available research on why women are dominating the NHS employ, we can only speculate from outside and say, women, have to an extent become the backbone of the NHS. Official Statistics say:

  • 140 500 or 47% of doctors in the UK are female,
  • 303 000+ or 88.6% of NHS nurses are women,
  • 7866+ or 42.5% of NHS Ambulance stuff are women,
  • 133 670+ or 77.6% on NHS technical, therapeutic and scientific staff are women,
  • 12 700 of Dentists in the UK are female
  • 55% of phamacists in the UK are women
  • 62% of NHS managers are female
  • 80% of care assistants in the UK are female.

As the world celebrates women in their different and various capacities as mothers, sisters, aunts, inlaws, daughters, grandmothers, nieces, friends, colleagues, we also take the time to salute the women in health care who minister to us when we are not well.

To the women in Health care, our message for the Internationational Women’s Day 2022 is simple: Wear your capes with pride, you clearly are our societies’ backbone

If you wish to start working on your Health and Care Work Visa to the UK, check these frequently asked questions on the subject.