Poor Time Management

5 Effective Workplace Time Management Strategies

If you are like me you probably struggle to keep time, be on time and in some instances finish something on time. I am one of those students that would struggle to research or do preliminary work on an assignment at university till the day before it’s due. I’m that one person that in most cases arrive five minutes after the time we agreed to meet or start has already lapsed. I will probably do that important project under pressure because I will either miscalculate my time, overestimate my capacity or underestimate the task at hand up until the time to complete it is a few hours, minutes or days away. Sound familiar? Are you also one of those chronic latecomers to any function?

According to behavioural expert Somia Zaman, people are always late because of a number of reasons which include:

  1. Over scheduling their days. 
  2. Setting up unrealistic plans for the day
  3. Chronic procrastination
  4. Some form of anxiety which makes the transition from one place to another difficult
  5. Poor time keeping in general.

Some experts believe that some people developed the problem of chronic lateness from their parents at a young age. While Zaman also explains that time management for people with Autism and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a bit difficult.

We have to admit that sometimes lateness and poor time management affect our work and of course, this will, in turn, affect our bottom line. In case you want to be better at time keeping, these 5 tools and strategies will help you manage your time.

  1. Establish a routine if possible, this will be embedded in your brain, making tasks easy to carry out as you settle into your routine.
  2. Avoid multitasking. This will divide your attention and energy which might affect your time management
  3. Have a daily or weekly planner with reminders and if possible set an alarm to prompt you to remember the tasks.
  4. If possible find a way to automate repetitive tasks. For example, find a tool that will schedule all your appointments for the week and always schedule those repetitive appointments first so that you will be notified on time to attend to them
  5. Using time management tools like Trello, Dropbox, Scoro, Wanderlust, Harvest and many free tools available on the internet can help you manage your time and be productive in more ways than one.


5 Ways To Improve Productivity At Your Workplace

Management has from time immemorial have oftentimes struggled to develop effective ways to improve productivity in their workplaces. The problem was then exacerbated by the pandemic and the advent of remote working. Remote working contributed to decreased productivity in some organisations as people took time to do other things during working hours. not to discredit the fact that in some organisations people still take time off their work to do other things unrelated to their work. Productivity is still a problem in many workplaces and managers and supervisors are still cracking their heads over this problem even when the world is now moving into the fourth industrial revolution. Productivity is defined as the effectiveness of productive effort. The amount of labour, capital and time being put into production measured against the output or the outcome.

In many cases, especially in the service industry, it is hard to measure productivity because the organisation’s output is measured as a whole and there is no room or method that can be used to measure productive individual effort. However, there are other things that just affect an individual’s productivity these include but are not limited to:

  • Distractions,
  • Low employee morale
  • Poor management
  • Poor time management
  • Poor communication

Hard as it might be to motivate people to stay efficient, effective and productive at all times, something has to be done in order to help organisations maintain standards at all costs. There are a few things management can implement to improve productivity, these include:

  • According to Indeed a career development platform, it’s always advisable to set smaller objectives. this will not put too much pressure on the employees in a bid to fulfil them and retain or keep their jobs.
  • Implement effective time management strategies for example setting reminders, setting personal deadlines for some tasks and establishing a routine where applicable and using time management tools like the Pomodoro strategy among other tools.
  • Find a way whenever possible to limit or reduce interruptions and disruptions in a workplace. Some organisations discourage the use of phones during working hours to limit disruptions.
  • Whenever possible delegate tasks, separate your work life and your personal life and always make sure that you have a reasonable workload. Even superhumans need to rest too.
  • Do your heavy work, or the heavy lifting when you are at your best. This means if you know you are most energetic in the morning, then do the hard work then so that you will not be tired and timid when it’s time to do some heavy work later on.
New Perspective

Why It’s Imperative To Foster New Perspectives In Health Care

Over the past two decades, the world has seen so much change, infact, according to unofficial reports, the world will see a technological change between 2020 and 2025 that is equivalent to the change the world experienced between 1900 and 2000. Some, if not many of us are having a hard time coping with the ever-changing world. Policymakers, decision-makers, professionals, and researchers alike are also trying to catch up with the swift changes happening around them. In some cases, decisions that affect other people take time to be implemented. This has adversely affected people who heavily rely on policymakers to implement changes one way or the other.

Change is overtaking the world, it’s a fact, with that view in mind, there is a need to foster new perspectives in health care. Regulations in the Health Care Industry have to be constantly reviewed. Organising and constantly reviewing methods, tactics, strategies and decisions must be done at regular intervals. Reforming the health care industry in line with the ever-changing needs, cultural norms and environment is imperative.

The ever-changing landscape in the UK healthcare system characterised by changes in technology and technologies that could improve patient care needs to be examined and solutions that will benefit patients and professionals implemented. Because technology adoption in healthcare is a bit slow, healthcare policymakers and decision-makers need to have an open mind about the following technologies and if possible seek the adoption.

  1. Multifaceted medical devices for patient monitoring
  2. Diagnostics devices
  3. Communication technology between patients and carers and other professionals
  4. Administration and transactions systems.

These will help in patient management, lessening the burdensome administrative work health care professionals have to sort out and deliver cut-edge service to the people who need Healthcare the most in the UK because of its efficiency, thereby driving new perspectives in health care. Technology has become the new norm in this new industrial revolution, and it shall intensify in the next four years, the only new perspective in this scenario is to adopt it swiftly or be overtaken by the technology wave.

Women In Health Care

5 Small Workplace Gestures That Make A Big Difference

Over the last several weeks, we have talked about many workplace gestures, the workplace in general and some do and donts that will make your work life enjoyable if not bearable. While it is advisable to be friends with your co-workers whenever possible, it is also recommended to try and seek and maintain peace with everyone at your workplace just to make sure everyone is either in your corner or inclined to take your side if the need arises. Hate it or love it, workplace divisions are counterproductive, add fuel to the office politics fire, affect other coworkers not involved in the divisions and make the workplace environment tense and hostile. This then adversely affects the work all workers are collectively doing which might also affect the organization as a whole. 

According to Psychology Today, human beings, we tend to remember small kind gestures:

We are designed to detect, remember, and respond to the small acts of gratefulness, appreciation, and acknowledgment in our daily encounters with others.

While it might be impossible to befriend everyone or even be cordial with every last person at your workplace, these small gestures are powerful enough to make sure there are more people at your workplace who will remain cordial with you and make your life at the workplace bearable and or happy.

  1. Earnestly express gratitude by saying thank you when someone helps you out at work
  2. Whenever possible surprise a coworker by inviting them to lunch or bringing them food or a small gift or present especially of something they actually like.
  3. Listen earnestly when they are telling you something about their work or even something personal because sometimes all they want or need is not advice but a good listener.
  4. Offer honest compliments to coworkers whenever you feel compelled to.
  5. Ask about their life outside the workplace and when asked in return share something interesting.